Everywhere a Chick, Chick
Old McSpencer had a farm
We have two new baby chicks at our house. Big Mama our chicken hatched these chicks this last weekend. We got eggs from Uncle Phillip and put them under Big Mama on the 10th of April and were expecting them on or around Mother's Day, but they arrived a little early. We lost 2 chicks to our other hens but two surrvied and we're happy to have them. One chick looks like a penguin to me so I think we're going to name it Pablo- like the penguin on the disney story, you know the one who wanted to live in the sun not the artic. The other one should be named something like Darth Vador in honor of Issacs love for Star Wars and he's a dark feathered chick. We hope they are Hens or they will have to goto Uncle Phillips. We won't know for sometime so for now -We Love Our Chicks!
We vote for Darth Vader! If it grows to be rooster he could cluck - chicks, I AM your father!